Dog World Magazine – August 2009
Bow Tie Inc. has released its August 2009 edition of Dog World Magazine! Featured in this month’s magazine are two breeds, Pharoah Hounds and Schapendoes, cleaning your multi-dog home, living with a deaf dog, and Raccoon hunting with coonhounds. Blushing Beauty Beneath the Pharaoh Hound’s chiseled good looks and athletic prowell lies an opinionated jester. The Pharaoh Hound may have an... [Read more]

Dog Fancy Magazine – June 2009
Bow Tie Inc. has released its June 2009 issue of Dog Fancy Magazine! Featured this month are articles on traveling cheaply with your dog, discover the latest dog toys, best dog parks, and the Cocker Spaniel, Tibetan Mastiff, and Borzoi breeds. Take Your Dog to Work Day Tip Sheet Helpful tips for a successul day at the office — with your dog in tow. Travel on the Cheap Times are tough, but you and... [Read more]

Bird Talk Magazine – June 2009
Bird Talk has published it’s June 2009 issue! Featured in this magazine are articles on making a bird themed planter, making your parrot behave as a team, sound proofing your home with plants, love-birds, and Spinifex pigeons. Editor’s Note My name is Tori. That’s T-O-R-I, and it is not short for Victoria. You may be wondering why I am writing this month’s editorial note. Laura... [Read more]

Cat Fancy Magazine – June 2009
Bow Tie, Inc. has released the June 2009 issue of Cat Fancy! Featured subjects in this months articles are a design for a new scratching post, Jenna Fischer, Matthew Sweet, keeping your cat safe in a natural disaster, Turkish Van breed, Egyptian Maus, combatting heartworm, soothing your cat’s dry skin naturally, and can cats predict earthquakes? Home Life While searching for the perfect scratcher,... [Read more]

Hobby Farms – March/April 2009
Bow Tie Inc., has released their second edition for 2009 of Hobby Farms! In it you’ll find articles addressing raising chickens, hens, creating a sustainable farm, quality hay, ATV’s and UTV’s, and using the stars and moons to guide you in your farming. Scratching the Surface If you’re looking for high-quality, dual-purpose chickens for your small farm, consider these six rare breeds. Healthy... [Read more]

Dog World Magazine – May 2009
Bow Tie Inc. has released its May 2009 edition of Dog World Magazine! Learn a few games that give puppies a head start in agility, flyball, and dock diving. Got an active dog? Liz Palika offers two fun tricks you can teach him to keep his mind occupied. Meet the Breed: Intense Instincts Agility, intelligence and determination make the Border Collie the ultimate herding dog. Ever since Stanley Coren... [Read more]

Dog Fancy Magazine – May 2009
Bow Tie Inc. has released its May 2009 edition of Dog Fancy Magazine! Pest Control Take the bite out of fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes. From New York to Nevada, California to Connecticut, mosquitoes, fleas, and ticks plague our dogs. Beyond annoyance, these small but formidable creatures, found in all regions, can also transmit potentially life-threatening diseases. Luckily our prevention arsenal is... [Read more]