Bead and Button Magazine – April 2009

Kalmbach Publishing Co. has released the April 2009 issue of Beads and Buttons Magazine! Featured in this issue are a variety of beading methods, beading tips, and bead netting.

Hibiscus twist
By Kerrie Slade  

Flowering fringe
By Merle Berelowitz  

Points, lines, and shapes
This is the second installment of Diane’s six-part series. Read part 1 in the February 2009 issue. Look for part 3 in the June 2009 issue.

Wildflower vine
By Melissa Grakowsky  

Political portraits
By Staci Golar  

Butterflies galore
By Susan Mandel  

Creative networking
By Aasia Hamid  

Diagonal view
By Smadar Grossman

Expert Advice
How to color Fireline
By Toika Bridges 

Tips & Techniques

Learn bead netting
By Anna Elizabeth Draeger 

Clearly Crystals
Victorian sparkle
By Julie Walker  

Wire Expressions
Bloomin’ flower rings
By Cassie Donlen


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