How Magazine – June 2009
HOW magazine has published a special issue on designer’s guide to creativity. HOW’s June issue is packed full of inspiration and techniques for keeping your most valuable asset—your creativity—in perfect shape. This special Creativity Issue dives deep into the issue that both challenges and enthralls designers, with tips, inspiration and eye candy to fuel your best ideas. Daily Deadlines Learn... [Read more]

E The Enviromental Magazine – March/April 2009
E: The Enviromental Magazine has released its March/April 2009 issue! In it you find a few articles dealing with President Barack Obama. One on his policies and expectations, another on the garden planted by Mrs. Obama, and the final one of the Green school Obama’s children are attending. Also featured are California emmissions, better clean water protection, and reforming the corps. President... [Read more]

Portfolio Magazine – April 2009
Condé Nast has released their latest edition for Portfolios Magazine! Cover Story: Pipe Dreams – Sarah Palin says she’s building a gas pipeline. The only problem: It isn’t there. And it’s her fault. Exxon vs. Obama – Peak oil and plunging crude prices are nothing—the world’s biggest energy company may finally have met its match. The Thrill is Gone – Michael Jackson wears... [Read more]