Ebony Magazine – May 2009
Johnson Publishing Co. has published the May 2009 issue of Ebony magazine. Featured articles include a discussion with Viola Davis and Taraji P. Henson concerning challenges facing current black actresses, an interview with Laurence Shatkin on finding the right type of job for you, prioritizing your money management, and 7 special things to treat your mom! Snagging A Job Outside Of The Box Is your... [Read more]

Jet Magazine – May 4 2009
Johnson Publishing Content has released their latest issue of Jet magazine. In this issue you will find articles on Esperanza Spalding, National Action Network, Telisa Boston, and Walking Away From Troubled Relationships. Esperanza Spalding Dreams Up Her Own Blend Of Acoustic Jazz While most young musicians only dream about spreading their music across the globe, Esperanza Spalding, the 24-year-old... [Read more]

Essence Magazine – May 2009
The May 2009 edition of Essence Magazine has been printed! FEATURES A Mother’s Love: First Lady & Mom In an exclusive interview with ESSENCE Editor-in-Chief Angela Burt-Murray, First Lady Michelle Obama and her mother, Mrs. Marian Robinson, speak on raising smart, confident kids, strong marriages, and future plans. Thank You, Mom Showing our appreciation for the woman we call Mama Tropical... [Read more]