Smart Computing Magazine – June 2009
June 2009 Smart Computing has been published. This issue features articles which help you identify whether your old computer is upgradeable and still salvageable. Providing extensive tips on upgrading your old computer to make it more efficient and save you money! Read Before Burning Don’t Pitch Your Old Computer Just Yet Everyone faces a time when he has to decide whether to pitch his old... [Read more]

PC Today Magazine – June 2009
PC Today has published the June 2009 issue. We used to assign the “camera phone” label to simple mobile phones with built-in digital cameras. Today, however, cameras are commonplace in ordinary mobile phones and smartphones alike. The cameras are getting better, too; some rival or exceed the average dedicated digital camera in picture quality. This month’s featured articles will help... [Read more]

HOW Magazine – April 2009
HOW’s April Issue is packed full of inspiration, as it debuts the winners from their biggest competition—the 2009 International Design Annual—featuring 297 award-winning print and interactive designs. This year’s Best of Show is unlike anything we’ve ever seen before! FEATURES International Design Awards After 3 days of judging fabulous design, judges Stefan Bucher, Shannon Carter and... [Read more]