Gulfshore Life Magazine – April 2009

April 2009 Gulfshore Life Magazine Cover

Curtco/GSM has published its April 2009 edition of Gulfshore Life!

Color Rules – The HOT new looks for spring
Can you find your dream home now?
Meet the dog who loves shopping at Waterside
Style secrets from Kate Winslet, Jennifer Aniston & Gwyneth Paltrow
Featured Articles

Wanted! One Dream Home
What one very determined woman learned about the market for high-end homes.

Dress Like the Stars
Learn the style secrets of these glamorous Hollywood actresses– and how they can work for you.

Welcome Waggin’
The diary of a shopaholic dog and her happy days at Waterside Shops.


Travel: Found! The Hidden Keys

Style Extra: It’s Time for the Tunic Update: Tory Burch

Scene & Heard: Locals Go Hollywood … Helping Mia Farrow … Calling All Gamers

Realty Check: Models Draw a Crowd

Person of Interest: The New Curator Can Paint, Too.

Off the Runway: Go Bold

Luxury Home & Design: Out is In

Insights: The Fashion Trials of An Island Girl.

Here & Now: Never Say Spry

Health: Stress Busters

Gulfshore Insider: What’s happening…what’s hot in April

From the Editor: The Fashion Biz? “It’s Not for the Faint of Heart.”

Fashion Statement: Beth Stark at The Naples Winter Wine Festival auction

Fashion: The Color of Spring

Design Trends: Party Time? Start the Buzz.

Culture Watch: The Risks Pay Off

April Calendar: What’s happening this month.

Appetite: Meeting the Ultimate Standard

Ahead of the Curve: 7 Things You Need To Know About… Freshening Up Your Wardrobe.


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