American Baby Magazine – May 2009

The Meridith Corporation has released the May 2009 issue of American Baby. Featured are Required Reading for Your First Week with Baby, How to Save Money on Medicine, Am I Nuts? Understanding Your Pregnancy Emotions, and 10 Things to Know About Walking.

Required Reading for Your First Week with Baby
One of the first things a new mother thinks when she gets home from the hospital is, “Now what?” Let “Required Reading” guide you through the first week — it answers all your questions on surviving sleep deprivation, crying babies, and more.

How to Save Money on Medicine
Unfortunately, your family’s still going to get sick, even in a down economy. Read “How to Save Money on Medicine” to find out how to save a little cash when you’re filling your prescriptions.

Am I Nuts? Understanding Your Pregnancy Emotions
Any pregnant woman knows that it’s possible to literally cry over spilled milk. Chalk it up to hormones gone haywire. We can’t stop your mood swings, but in “Am I Nuts?” we’ll let you know what to expect in each trimester.

10 Things to Know About Walking
The first year is full of firsts, but the most anticipated milestone has to be walking. Even if you’re not obsessing about it, chances are you’ve been asked, “So is he walking yet?” When will the momentous event occur? Your baby will likely take his first steps between 9 and 15 months.


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