Georgia Backroads Magazine – Spring 2009

The Spring 2009 issue of Georgia Backroads has been published! Featured are articles concerning Nathan Bedford Forrest’s Teenaged Warriors, Small Town Life in Old Lathemtown, Thomasville – City of Roses, indigo snake, Fancy Feather Festival, Ashburn’s Fire Ant Festival, and Warwick’s National Grits Festival, The Hell Hole, Bill Arp, Auchumpkee Creek Covered Bridge, and the The Great Yazoo Fraud.

Gatrell’s Georgians:  Nathan Bedford Forrest’s Teenaged Warriors
After legendary Confederate cavalry commander Nathan Bedford Forrest saved Rome from Yankee raiders during the Civil War, young volunteers from that town pledged their loyalty and lives in service to “that devil Forrest.” Floyd County

Vanishing Georgia: Small Town Life
Living, Laughing, Loving in Old Lathemtown
In busy and burgeoning Cherokee County today it is hard to believe just a generation ago this was a quiet and decidedly rural community of dirt roads, cotton gins, pot-bellied stoves, and mule barns. Cherokee County

Genuine Georgia Backroads:  Thomasville – City of Roses
The mention of springtime in Georgia evokes images of flowering dogwood, graceful wisteria, and colorful azalea. Take a spring trip to Thomasville, though, and you’ll add the elegant and vibrant rose to your list of floral favorites. Thomas County
Commander of the Forest
Biologists studying the elegant and endangered indigo snake are learning that this sizeable, wide-ranging, fascinating serpent truly is the “commander of the forest.”

Festival Fiesta!
You mean you’ve never been to Royston’s Fancy Feather Festival, Ashburn’s Fire Ant Festival, or Warwick’s National Grits Festival?  Come on then, it’s time to get out and sample some uniquely Georgia celebrations!

Courage Worth of an Honorable Cause
When armies clashed near Dallas during the civil war, a serene backwoods farm and gristmill became a nightmare landscape thereafter known as The Hell Hole. Paulding County

The Sky is Falling!
Multiple occurrences over many years of odd objects falling from the Georgia sky might persuade you that Chicken Little was absolutely right.

Bill Arp’s Uncivil War
With a sharp eye, keen wit, and caustic pen, Charles Henry Smith a/k/a Bill Arp became the voice of the southern people in the second half of the 19th Century. Gwinnett, Floyd, And Bartow Counties
Rebuilding Auchumpkee Creek Covered Bridge
When Tropical Storm Alberto destroyed a historic covered bridge in 1994, the community rallied to see that the structure was rebuilt. Upson County

The Great Yazoo Fraud
A decade after the American Revolution, the lure of Georgia’s western lands led to wild speculation and wide-spread corruption that brought down wealthy and powerful men in both the Georgia and national capitols. Jefferson County

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