Parenting Early Years Magazine – May 2009

Parenting has released their May 2009 issue of Early Years. Features include: 6 Low-Stress Baby Checkups, How to Stop Sibling Struggles, Does Your Child Have Asthma?, 5 Common Asthma Triggers, How to Take a Mommy Day Off, and 6 Strategies for Organizing Clutter.

6 Low-Stress Baby Checkups
How to calm your fears about scary-sounding common baby health problems. Well-baby checkups are usually happy occasions — you find out that your little one is thriving, that she’s on-target (or ahead of the curve!) with her milestones, that she’s just the cutest thing the office nurse has ever seen. But once in a while, the pediatrician will pick up on something that’s not quite right.

How to Stop Sibling Struggles
Why toddlers cause sibling clashes and how to keep the peace between your kids

Does Your Child Have Asthma?
What every mom needs to know about asthma symptoms and treatment. It’s never easy to hear that your child may have a lifelong illness, especially one that interferes with breathing. But the fact that asthma is so common — nearly 7 million kids have been diagnosed, and all those with allergies or parents with the condition are at risk of developing it — means doctors (and moms) know a lot about how to manage it. In fact, with proper treatment, even kids with severe asthma can live perfectly normal lives. So go ahead, breathe that sigh of relief. We’re here to help you every step of the way.

5 Common Asthma Triggers
Asthma and allergy triggers lead to serious breathing problems. Here’s how to beat them.

How to Take a Mommy Day Off
For readers unfamiliar with this concept, a day for yourself is defined as a series of uninterrupted hours during which you relax, read, take a yoga class, see a friend, or skip through a wheat field in slow motion, if that’s what makes you feel good.

26 Reasons You’re a Great Mom
Moms, you’re the best! Here are just a few reminders of why you deserve a medal.

6 Strategies for Organizing Clutter
Some moms thrive on order; for others, closets are used primarily for cramming things into just before people come over. No matter which type you are, we’ve gathered some great, realistic tips for getting your life more organized. Consider it our Mother’s Day gift to you!


How to Choose Glasses for Kids
3 Secrets to a Happy Kid
Ask Claire: Why Toddlers Still Drool
3 Kid-Friendly Yoga Moves

Your Health

4 Health Benefits of Wine
Lost Job, Lost Health Insurance: Now What?
4 Easy Ways to Get Instant Energy
“I Don’t Want More Kids But My Husband Does”

Their Toys

11 Musical Toys
13 Entertaining Books, DVDs, and Games

Your Toys

Spring Shopping Guide: 6 Mom Must-Haves

Their Snacks

7 Snacks that Teach

Your Snacks

7 Healthy Grab-and-Go Snacks

Our Eats

Cheeseburger Stuffed Potatoes, Plus a Week of Dinners
Simple Roasted Turkey Breast

Our Money

Ask MP: Buying a Foreclosed Home

Our Travel

How to Plan a Girls-Only Vacation


0-1  Chew on This!
0-1  Reaching and Touching
0-1  Sleeping through the Night
1-2  Ask Denene: Destructive Habits
2-3  Stop Your Toddler’s Hitting
2-3  Help Your Kid Make New Friends
3-5  Ready For Music Lessons?


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