Arts and Crafts Homes and the Revival has released their fall issue for 2008!

Featured Articles

Arts & Crafts in Salt Lake City
An appealing Tudor house (wih a Van Briggle tile fireplace) is nursed back from its disco fever.

Vernacular Strength
The ” Adirondack plu” stone and shingle houose called Tallquapie is neither bungalow nor mansion.

The Roycrofters Today
The artisans qualified to use the Roycroft Renaissance mark form an extraordinary, if far-flung, guild.

Replica Kitchen
The ca. 1930 kitchen is perfect for this storybook Tudor house.

A Garden Redefined
A small, dry-climate garden, once inhospitable, gets a practical makeover.

How there comes here, or the impact of Shakespeare on American roofs.


Come to Buffalo, an Arts & Crafts mecca.

The Movement
Architect Gerald Morosco on the A&C revival.

Mica, slag, or slumped—what’s that glass?

Bringing It Back
A primer on the era’s wood floors, their care and their finishes.

What’s that Colonial on my bungalow?


Condé Nast has released the May 2009 edition of Cookie Magazine!

Kids’ Swimsuits
This season’s vibrant swimsuits are so cool your kids will want to wear them in the pool, the sprinkler, and even in the bath!
Road Trip Games
We’ve all been there: It’s six minutes into the family road trip you’ve been planning for months, and the kids are already asking, “Are we there yet?” Make the drive a fun adventure with these classic road-trip games.

Prince Edward Island Extras
If the Anne of Green Gables bent isn’t enough of a hook, the kids might be interested in these little-known nuggets.

Party Favors
Tired of the usual post-party haul of plastic trinkets and sugary treats? These six unique favors go the extra mile.

Q&A: Dan Barber
This New York City–based chef operates two Blue Hill restaurants: one in Greenwich Village, the other at the Stone Barns Center for Food & Agriculture in bucolic Pocantico Hills, New York. Both outposts feature locally grown, seasonal produce with a heavy emphasis on friends and family.

Cookie Sheet: Kathy Ireland
The supermodel and supermom is one busy woman. When she’s not managing Kathy Ireland Home or getting her photograph taken, she’s running after her three kids.

Cookie Sheet: Lyss Stern
The author is the epitome of the stylish, unflappable, do-it-all mom, but even she gets frazzled now and then (phew!)

Cookie Sheet: Christine Coppa
The writer behind’s hugely popular blog Storked! dishes about life as a single mom and shares an exclusive excerpt from her new book, Rattled!.

Burn After Reading Review
Being that you’re a parent, there’s little hope of seeing films the first time around. Our reviews editor wades through his Netflix queue to help you prioritize yours.

Original vs. Remakes
We took the two Witch Mountains—and four other recently remade classics—and pit them against one another, head to head, film to film, to see which version comes out on top for today’s kids.

Playlists for Parents
Whether you’re into pop music in the most literal sense (i.e., popular), or you like to keep one step ahead of the Top 40 deejays, or you pride yourself on name-dropping bands that would stump your average Rolling Stone critic, there’s always new music out there for you to find.

Audio Books
16 of the best children’s audio books narrated by actors.


Online Sales
The best sales on the Web this week

Thank You Cards
Even though you (probably) don’t coordinate matching outfits, we know that sometimes it’s fun to sync up with your little one. Here are eight pairs of note cards that let you express your gratitude in similar style.

Mother’s Day Gift Guide
Our favorite finds for the mom who gave you everything.

Best Strollers
Finding the right stroller for you, your child, and your lifestyle can be a major headache. We had suburban and urban parents around the nation test 19 of the top selling strollers in all price ranges to see which ones are worth your time and money.
Home Front
Summer Camp
With summertime around the corner (well, we wish!), it’s time to start thinking about choosing a camp for your child. But with more than 11,000 camps in the United States, how does a parent choose?

That Mom
We all have a moment when we spy That Mom. She’s the one who looks like she knows something we don’t. It’s the way she belts her sweater, or the way her ballet-flat-and-skinny-jean combo radically upgrades the drop-off uniform. Lucky for us, these fashion mavens aren’t stingy with their secrets.

Alphabet Posters
Looking to adorn your kid’s wall with the ABCs? Finding something that’s both cute and modern is as easy as 1-2-3.
Healthy Travel
Find out how to keep your family healthy while traveling with tips from an eco-dad and the author of Healthy Child Healthy World: Creating a Cleaner, Greener, Safer Home.
Prince Edward Island
Just off the eastern coast of Canada, the home of Anne of Green Gables is the perfect sleepy summer getaway: gentle tides, rolling meadows, fresh seafood galore, and—blessedly—no crowds.

We’re all for trying new things, but sometimes the most rewarding—and certainly the most relaxing—vacation destination is the one you go back to year after year. For one family of six, that place is Kona Village on Hawaii’s Big Island.

Kona Village, Hawaii Tour
A photographic tour of Kona Village, Hawaii.
Pancakes, patties, and fish cakes that capitalize on your children’s love of golden-fried fritters.
ABC Books
A child’s love affair with letters can start long before she’s mastered her alphabet. We’ve rounded up our favorite ABC books, from classic to contemporary, simple to surreal.
Home Front
House In Pasadena
In South Pasadena, one couple turn a historic Craftsman bungalow into a clever, ultrafunctional family home.

Pasadena House Tour
Explore this couple’s beautiful home in South Pasadena.

Finding Music
You Like Here are three tailor-made musical playlists with detailed descriptions that will help you get back in the groove.


Condé Nast has released the May 2009 edition of Condé Nast Traveler Magazine!

Cruising Europe: Places and Prices
Destinations: Croatia, Dubrovnik

Turkish Delights: Istanbul’s Places & Prices
Joan Juliet Buck and Esin Göknar pick and choose among Istanbul’s cornucopia of treasures.

Though this historic seaside gem is awash in character, its gritty image keeps many visitors away.

Mexico City
This Latin American megalopolis has been a thriving center of arts, commerce, and culture for more than 700 years.

Indonesia’s vibrant capital offers some of the best shopping, dining, and nightlife in Southeast Asia.

This city of 2.5 million is a burgeoning cultural capital emerging from the dark days of apartheid on the strength of its diversity.

New Orleans
This city on the Mississippi has taken its knocks, but for three centuries the music—and the party—have rarely stopped.

Istanbul’s Lush Life
It’s modern and Muslim, European and Asian, cutting-edge and conservative—and though at least two millennia old, thrillingly hip. Joan Juliet…

Ultimate European Cruise
Oh, the Places You’ll Go! Adam Platt boarded what may be the world’s most luxurious passenger ship in Venice, bound for Athens by way of Dubrovnik…

Ombudsman: Run for the Money
Problems arise when a couple try to get repaid after canceling a hotel booking.

Summer Sale Finder
Great deals on hotels and air travel are heating up—but only in certain places. Here’s where to find the best travel values in years.

This walkable metropolis of seven million is once again reclaiming its role as Latin America’s intellectual and cultural hub.


April 20, 2009 New Yorker Magazine Cover

Condé Nast has released the April 20, 2009 edition of The New Yorker Magazine!

No Nukes
National-security policy gets real.

The Comeback
March Madness in Cobble Hill.

A Roosevelt Reading List
A First Lady’s bedside reading.

The Tweets of Roland Hedley
Doonesbury’s Fox News correspondent tweets from the G-20.
Hanging Tough
How should companies behave in recessions?
The Ghost Course
Links to the past on a Scottish island.

Guy Walks into a Bar Car
Lost loves and lost years.
Roughing It
What two young women found in the Rockies.

The Vertical Tourist
Alain Robert’s obsession with skyscrapers.
Swamp Things
Florida’s uninvited predators.

“A Tiny Feast”
by Chris Adrian

The-Dream is everywhere.
by Sasha Frere-Jones
How Katherine Anne Porter perfected herself.
by Hilton Als
Geoff Dyer’s wandering eye.
by James Wood

Two shows pit silliness against suffering.
by John Lahr

“Younger Than Jesus” at the New Museum.
by Peter Schjeldahl

“Anvil! The Story of Anvil.”
by Anthony Lane
“Lunch Poem for F.S.”
by Jonathan Galassi

by Katha Pollitt

by D. Nurkse

Sonic Youth and Merce Cunningham, at BAM.
by Hilton Als

Kode9, at the American Museum of Natural History.
by Sasha Frere-Jones

The Gagosian gallery’s “Picasso: Mosqueteros.”
by Peter Schjeldahl

A new batch of Chopin recordings.
by Russell Platt
Howard Hawks’s “A Song Is Born.”
by Richard Brody
Walter Foods
by Shauna Lyon


May 2009 Dog World Magazine Cover

Bow Tie Inc. has released its May 2009 edition of Dog World Magazine!

Learn a few games that give puppies a head start in agility, flyball, and dock diving. Got an active dog? Liz Palika offers two fun tricks you can teach him to keep his mind occupied.

Meet the Breed: Intense Instincts
Agility, intelligence and determination make the Border Collie the ultimate herding dog.

Ever since Stanley Coren named the Border Collie “the smartest dog” in his book The Intelligence of Dogs (Free Press, 2005), too many people have wanted a dog like it. This has resulted in an increased demand for the breed as a pet and as an exceptional competitor in dog sports.

Puppy Orthopedic Problems
Learn how common joint disorders are diagnosed and treated.

A well-functioning musculoskeletal system is fundamental for active dogs. To enjoy life on the fast track, dogs need their muscles and joints to be strong, flexible and working smoothly. However, problems do arise – especially in young puppies during their formative months.

The Importance of Play
Your puppy’s carefree games are essential to its mental and physical development.

Pick of the Litter
Future champion or future pet? Find out how experienced breeders determine a puppy’s potential.

Making Adjustments
Chiropractic is gaining recognition as a viable treatment option for canine conditions.

Pain relief is no longer just for humans. Today, dog owners have many options when seeking pain management for their four-legged friends. Canine chiropractic is increasing in popularity as one of those alternatives.

Rare Breed Spotlight: South African Boerboel
Developed in an untamed land, this versatile farm dog embodies courage and balance.


May 2009 Architectural Digest Magazine CoverCondé Nast has released the May 2009 edition of Architectural Digest Magazine!

Light Touch for New England
Crisp, Modernist Forms Take Hold in an Oceanfront Meadow

Montana Compound
On Flathead Lake, Clients, Architect and Designer Join Forces With Nature

Easy Living in the Hamptons
A Sublime Location and Historic Structures Lend Charm to a Revitalized Residence

Toast to Simplicity
A House on Martha’s Vineyard Distills the Essence of Its Windblown Setting

Hawaiian Craftsman
Translating the Arts and Crafts Ideal on the Big Island

Posada de Mike Rapu
Chile’s Archaelogical Wonders Inspire a New Luxury Resort on Easter Island

The Woodworker’s Art
Maine’s Center for Furniture Craftsmanship Encourages Imaginative Departures

Dazzling Menagerie
For Cartier’s 100th Anniversary in America, a Sparkling Collection Goes on Show

Kitchens by Designers
All the Right Ingredients: Eight Inventive Approaches to an Everyday Space Give Us One More Reason to Stay Home

Glass Houses
AD’s spotlight on gemlike structures that defy the traditional sense of space.

Quiet Spaces
Our selection of beautiful retreats within the home – calming spots that afford escape, peace and relaxation.

Artists in Residence
Architectural Digest visits some of the most accomplished artists of the past century, including Marc Chagall, Helen Frankenthaler and Andrew Wyeth.

Before & After: Kitchens
AD editors present their favorites—10 dramatic kitchen remodels from some of the top designers working today.

AD Directory
Look here for a listing of the designers, architects, hotels, museums, galleries and dealers featured in each month’s issue of Architectural Digest.


April 2009 Gulfshore Life Magazine Cover

Curtco/GSM has published its April 2009 edition of Gulfshore Life!

Color Rules – The HOT new looks for spring
Can you find your dream home now?
Meet the dog who loves shopping at Waterside
Style secrets from Kate Winslet, Jennifer Aniston & Gwyneth Paltrow
Featured Articles

Wanted! One Dream Home
What one very determined woman learned about the market for high-end homes.

Dress Like the Stars
Learn the style secrets of these glamorous Hollywood actresses– and how they can work for you.

Welcome Waggin’
The diary of a shopaholic dog and her happy days at Waterside Shops.


Travel: Found! The Hidden Keys

Style Extra: It’s Time for the Tunic Update: Tory Burch

Scene & Heard: Locals Go Hollywood … Helping Mia Farrow … Calling All Gamers

Realty Check: Models Draw a Crowd

Person of Interest: The New Curator Can Paint, Too.

Off the Runway: Go Bold

Luxury Home & Design: Out is In

Insights: The Fashion Trials of An Island Girl.

Here & Now: Never Say Spry

Health: Stress Busters

Gulfshore Insider: What’s happening…what’s hot in April

From the Editor: The Fashion Biz? “It’s Not for the Faint of Heart.”

Fashion Statement: Beth Stark at The Naples Winter Wine Festival auction

Fashion: The Color of Spring

Design Trends: Party Time? Start the Buzz.

Culture Watch: The Risks Pay Off

April Calendar: What’s happening this month.

Appetite: Meeting the Ultimate Standard

Ahead of the Curve: 7 Things You Need To Know About… Freshening Up Your Wardrobe.


May 2009 Dog Fany Magazine Cover

Bow Tie Inc. has released its May 2009 edition of Dog Fancy Magazine!

Pest Control
Take the bite out of fleas, ticks, and mosquitoes.

From New York to Nevada, California to Connecticut, mosquitoes, fleas, and ticks plague our dogs. Beyond annoyance, these small but formidable creatures, found in all regions, can also transmit potentially life-threatening diseases. Luckily our prevention arsenal is well-equipped.

Does it Pay to Insure?
Find out if pet insurance is right for your dog and your wallet.

A little more than 2 percent of all U.S. pet owners carry pet insurance, according to the American Pet Products Association. That may not seem like much, but the trade group expects the number to climb significantly by 2010, to between 5 and 7 percent.

Scale Model
Announcing the winners of our Biggest Losers Contest.

People across the country worked hard getting their dogs healthy and in shape. Pound for pound, everyone did a great job helping their dogs lose weight and enjoy a healthier life. Take a look at our Biggest Losers and how they lost their proverbial love handles.

The 54th Annual Show Dogs of the Year Awards honor the dog world’s finest.

Westminster may celebrate the best dogs, but it is the annual Purina ProPlan Show Dogs of the Year Awards that honor the year’s most notable human and canine successes. From trainer to vet, champion dog to top judge, all are awarded at this prestigious evening for the standout stars of the dog world.

The Wonder from Down Under
The hard-working Australian Cattle Dog is his owner’s best mate.

Australian Cattle Dog Rebel, a two-time Westminster Kennel Club Dog Show Best of Breed winner, certified service dog, and titled herding dog, was on the job in the wilderness.Serving as hiking buddy and guardian, he accompanied owner Rebekka R. on a two-week fly-fishing trip from their home in Ontario, Canada, to southern Alberta. During the trip, Rebel added another accomplishment to his already impressive résumé.

Black Russian Terrier
The Black Russian Terrier is a loyal guardian.

The owner of a Black Russian Terrier must commit to socialization and training, says breeder Gayle W. Even a well-socialized and trained Black Russian, however, can assume defense mode when he thinks a situation requires guarding.

Hide and Peke
You’ll find a charming playful companion under that fluffy mop.

The Pekingese’s history as a treasured personal companion to emperors and empresses in the Forbidden City in Imperial China instilled these fabulous dogs with a regal self-importance, an intuitive understanding of human moods, and a broad appeal.


Boating Life April 2009 Magazine Cover

The Bonnier Corporation has released their April 2009 edition of Boating Life Magazine.

On the Cover
Bryant’s 268 has to be solid to live up to the company’s reputation.

Trailering Olympics
See what happens when we create a series of rig- and mind-bending challenges for three of the savviest boat haulers you’ll ever meet.

The Innovators
Meet the brains behind the boat with the best on-water sound system we’ve ever heard and Italian-style cockpit furniture. These are the people who have changed pontoons (yes, pontoons!) forever.

Five Minute Rule
Boating as a way of life has also been a path to death in this remote Alaskan village. We joined the Coast Guard to bring a few simple rays of hope in the teeth of treachery.

From the Helm
Dummies on board

Fish intel: It’s debatable

– The Dog Whisperer gives us his exclusive boating tips for Max
– How to camp next to the water, in a nutshell
– Making sense of boating at night
– Directions for better steering
– Why you should have LED lights

Quick Looks
MasterCraft’s new 30-foot cruiser is a shocking intro. Plus, five fresh inboards for water sports.

Road Trips
Caddo Lake, Louisiana/Texas; Portsmouth, New Hampshire

At Play
Fight the fish instead of your lures; The $300 wakeboard boat

Boaters Market
Gear of the month

We’ve Always Wanted to Ask
The most-compelling view on the water


Portfolio April 2009 Magazine Cover

Condé Nast has released their latest edition for Portfolios Magazine!

Cover Story:

Pipe Dreams
Sarah Palin says she’s building a gas pipeline. The only problem: It isn’t there. And it’s her fault.

Exxon vs. Obama
Peak oil and plunging crude prices are nothing—the world’s biggest energy company may finally have met its match.

The Thrill is Gone
Michael Jackson wears tube socks, and now they can be yours. Highlights of the Neverland Ranch possessions being auctioned off.

The Prime of Mr. Nouriel Roubini
Life is good for the economist known as Doctor Doom. But is the recession’s best-known prophet just a one-hit wonder?

Cash Me If You Can
The savviest move Yale endowment chief David Swensen may have made in the last year was to ignore his own advice.

His Space
MySpace co-founder Chris DeWolfe on why he thinks his business model is better than Facebook’s.

Spoils of Prosperity
The rise of militant populist Jacob Zuma is exacerbating
a new rift in South Africa.
